Amie Shei, PhD
President and CEO
(508) 438-0009, ext. one
ashei (at) thfcm.org

Jennie Blake, MSW
Vice President for Programs
(508) 438-0009, ext. six
jblake (at) thfcm.org

Michelle L. Ewing
Director of Finance and Administration
(508) 438-0009, ext. three
mewing (at) thfcm.org

Daniel P. Germain
Grants and Operations Manager
(508) 438-0009, ext. four
dgermain (at) thfcm.org

2024 Staff: (L-R) Jennie Blake, Vice President for Programs, Dr. Amie Shei, President and CEO, Michelle Ewing, Director of Finance and Administration, Daniel Germain, Grants and Operations Manager