Grantmaking FAQs


Who can apply for a grant from The Health Foundation?

The Health Foundation accepts applications from IRS designated tax-exempt non-profit organizations or government entities (e.g. municipalities, school districts, etc.).

The project must also fall within our service area, which consists of Worcester County and some surrounding towns. You can find a map here.

If only a portion of the project falls within our service area, applicants should seek co-funding that will support the portion of the project outside our service area.

Does The Health Foundation have funding exclusions?

In general, The Health Foundation will not support:

  • Projects outside of Central Massachusetts;
  • Endowments;
  • Capital campaigns;
  • Fund drives or sponsorship of events;
  • Scholarships; or
  • The retirement of operating deficits.

In addition, by law, The Health Foundation is not permitted to provide direct support to individuals for projects, scholarships, or health care, nor may it fund electoral activities or candidates for public office.

What health issues does The Health Foundation fund?

The Health Foundation does not identify specific health issues. The Health Foundation strives to be flexible and responsive to community needs. The Health Foundation applies a broad definition of health, and many previous grants focus on social determinants of health.
Is my organization eligible to apply for a grant this year if it received one last year?
Yes. There are no restrictions on applying for or receiving grants in consecutive years.