The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC) is leading the Encompass: Community and Collaboration for Foster Families project. Encompass is a foster parent supports initiative to improve recruitment and retention of foster parents and outcomes for children in foster care by providing foster parents (including kinship caregivers) with one-on-one peer trauma coaching, peer support programs, and extended community supports. Many foster parents report a lack of training and resources and as a result of the pandemic and social isolation, they are being asked to care for children with increased trauma-related behavioral health needs in the absence of supports that are typically available.
2020- | Total Granted to Date: | $2,308,322 |
A trauma-informed intervention for foster caregivers in Central MA: A mixed methods pilot evaluation
Encompass Logic Model
◊ State’s foster care system needs many hands lifting it in support
Boston Globe, September 5, 2023
◊ Encompass Program to help Foster Families
WCCA TV, June 24, 2021
◊ Encompass program offers support system for Worcester area foster parents
Telegram & Gazette, May 24, 2021