Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Beechwood Hotel, Worcester
On March 22, 2023, The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts hosted a special breakfast event in partnership with Health Law Advocates and the Health Equity Compact focused on how to advance health equity in the heart of the Commonwealth in the short term and the long term. The event featured presentations and discussion about Health Law Advocates’ special initiative to protect MassHealth members’ coverage and resolve medical debt during the upcoming widespread MassHealth redetermination effort and the Health Equity Compact’s bold action to advance health equity in Massachusetts, including An Act to Advance Health Equity.
Presentation materials and other relevant materials are posted below.
Materials shared by The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts
Activation Fund grant opportunity
Synergy Initiative grant opportunity
Materials shared by Health Law Advocates (HLA)
HLA Presentation
MassHealth information on how members can report changes.
The Phase 2 redetermination toolkit, which includes resources in 9 languages.
Health Care For All’s redetermination campaign materials.
Information on HLA’s redeterminations project.
HLA’s website resource list.
“Kien’s Story” video.
Materials shared by the Health Equity Compact
Health Equity Compact Presentation
An Act to Advance Health Equity
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